4 Yoga exercises for young face



Yoga for your face? Hell yes! And that really goes a little further than some ‘funny faces’. Gary Sikorski is the founder of Happy Face Yoga, he swears by a good workout for a younger looking face.


According to Sikorski, you can see results after a month or two. The so-called resistance training for the muscles in your face provides an optical facelift. By training the muscles just under your skin and in the places where fat accumulates, wrinkles are less likely. Learn more about face yogaLearn more about face yoga



The results were unmistakable in 27 subjects who did half an hour of facial yoga every day for 8 weeks and then every other day for 12 weeks. Their skin looked healthier and firmer and the healthy flush on the cheeks also worked wonders.



Experts argue that with the good workouts you need even fewer fillers for the same result or that the result of the fillers is much better. So nothing to lose!


Gwyneth Paltrow’s online platform Goop shared these 4 exercises. Mind you, you really only see results after a few weeks and your lifestyle (smoking, drinking, sun) also has an influence, but this seems to us to be a typical case if it doesn’t work then it doesn’t harm.



Good to train your whole face and especially the three main muscle groups in your face (just above your ears/jaws, around your eyes and your cheeks). This exercise works best when you are lying down (and no one else is around, because it looks a bit crazy).


Make a big ‘O’ with your mouth and ‘fold’ your bottom and top lips over your teeth.

Smile with the corners of your mouth, you can really feel the muscles around your cheekbones tighten.

Place your palms on your cheeks with your little finger resting on the corners of your eyes. Then press your fingers on both temples. . This will pull the corners of your eyes up and out.

Close your eyes and put your chin out. You now feel the pressure on the corners of your eyes and your cheeks are also being put to work.



Good for blood circulation in the muscles of your face, neck, and skull. In addition, this exercise is good as a ‘stress reliever’ and good for your vitality. This exercise has the best results while standing.


Make a big ‘O’ with your mouth and ‘fold’ your bottom and top lips over your teeth.

Smile with the corners of your mouth, you can really feel the muscles around your cheekbones tighten.

Close your eyes and roll your eyeball up. Now make the ‘O’ as small as possible with your mouth. Smile again with the corners of your mouth, your cheek muscles are working well and slowly bend your head back.

Tighten your abs and glutes, aim your chest up.

Slowly raise your hands above your head and remember that you are pulling all those 57 facial muscles towards the ceiling.

Hold for 30 seconds.

Exhale and lower your hands again and bend your head forward again.

Do this exercise twice a day, such as when you just woke up and just before going to bed.



Good for strengthening the muscles around your chin. Helps against sagging cheeks and those damned wrinkles in your neck, it also makes your jaw muscles stronger.


Start with a big smile

Open your mouth and make an “aaaah” sound. Fold your bottom lip inward. Stick your jaw forward.

Make some sort of ‘scooping’ movement with your jaw, lifting your chin up into the air. This allows you to lower your head back.

Now open and close your jaw 10 times. The last time, your chin should point almost to the ceiling.

Hold this position for 20 seconds.

Repeat twice.



Gravity ‘pulls’ our cheeks down, as it were. With this exercise, you reverse that effect. And your upper lip also benefits.


Make a big ‘O’ with your mouth and ‘fold’ your bottom and top lips over your teeth.

Smile with the corners of your mouth, you can really feel the muscles around your cheekbones tighten.

Place your index fingers gently on the top of your cheek muscles, just below your eyes. Relax your cheeks.

Now smile again and visualize pushing your muscles up towards your eyes. This was one push up.

Do 10 more of these pushups.

After the final push-up, keep your cheek muscles as high as possible.

Run your index fingers across your skull. This way you ‘pull’ your cheek muscles even further up.

Hold for 20 seconds while looking up towards your fingers.

Tighten your glutes, believe it or not, but that will also tighten your facial muscles.

Let go and relax.



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