5 essential accessories that you must carry for hassle free travel on a long journey


Before embarking on a long motorcycle journey, it is essential to make sure that you have all the required material for your safety and convenience during the journey. Carrying essential accessories can make the journey a better experience. If you do not be careful, you may me going through a frustrating or a potentially dangerous experience. They can help prevent mechanical issues, provide essential first aid in case of injuries and ensure you’re prepared for all possible mishaps.

Chain Lube

Chain lube is a crucial accessory to carry for extending the life of your chain. Proper lubrication prevents the rubbing of rollers and plates, significantly extending the chain’s lifespan. Regular maintenance with chain lube can double or even quadruple the chain’s longevity, saving you money in the long run.

Tool Kit

A tool kit is extremely important for repairs, whether at home or on the road. Having the right tools can get you back on the road quickly, preventing you from being stranded due to a loose bolt or other minor mechanical issue.

First Aid Kit

Accidents can happen, so it is important to always have a first aid kit handy. Minor cuts, bruises, and scrapes are common in motorcycle accidents, but a first aid kit can also help with more severe injuries like fractures or muscle strains until the appropriate medical help arrives.

A saddlebag is another ideal accessory for storing essential items like tools, spare tubes, kits, clothes or snacks. It’s lightweight, easy to access and doesn’t interfere with the bike’s aerodynamics or handling.

Tyre Repair Kit

Finally, a tyre repair kit can be a lifesaver if the tyre of your motorcycle gets punctured due to some reason. These repair kits are designed to reseal and reinflate damaged tyres, allowing you to continue riding until you can reach a proper tyre replacement shop.


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