Similarity and congruence of triangles

AAA Criteria

Similarity of Triangles :

1. Shape of the triangles are same but not the sizes.
2. Corresponding Sides are proportionate.

AAA Criteria
sides are proportionate

3. All 3 corresponding angles are same.
4. Proven by AAA.
5. Similar triangles not necessarily overlap.
6. Area and perimeter of similar triangles needs not to be equal.

Congruency Of triangles ;

1. Shape and sizes of triangles are same.
2. Corresponding Sides are equal.
3. All 3 corresponding angles are same.
4. Proven by SAS, ASA, SSS, RHS.

The given figure shows triangles congruent to each other by 4 different criteria :

congruency- engineinside

5. Congruent triangles overlap over each other.
6. Area and perimeter of congruent triangles are equal.


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