Take Care of Concert Tickets


4 Easy-Peasy Ways to Take Care Of Your Concert Tickets

It seems that the world has re-opened after the long years of dreadful lockdowns and prohibitions of social gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Because people have become freer now compared to the peak days of the pandemic, big social events, such as concerts, are now back to business as well! There have been concerts that were postponed since the virus’ breakout, and the time has come for them to finally happen. If you have kept your concert tickets, then you’d just have to wait for the new concert schedules. Sweet!


Since concerts were missed so much by people and artists themselves, many of them have become more sought-after. It’s like people consider it as a celebration or treat after the pandemic has kept everyone from being together and enjoying festivities people just used to take for granted or not mind. This might have led to a bigger demand for concert tickets by fans who have been waiting for their favorite celebrities, bands and other artists to come and visit them. 


Now, if you have long-kept concert tickets or if you have recently bought them for an upcoming festival, the most important thing to remember is to keep them safe and unharmed. This is something you have to keep in mind if you will soon buy concert passes, too. Those slips are the equivalent of the big amount of money you have spent. Indeed, you cannot let them get damaged.  


Make sure you have them in good condition for the concert day! Here are 4 ways to take good care of your concert tickets! 

1 – Place them inside ticket holders.

The moment you get a hold of your concert tickets, make sure you keep them inside their designated ticket holders. If the organizers provide holders along with the purchase of concert tickets, no worries; you already have a safe space for your precious passes. 


Nonetheless, if the concert tickets are handed to you without any covering, create your own ticket holders instead. They must be of the right size to accommodate your tickets. See to it that they are clean to avoid staining your passes to the event.


If you cannot personalize a housing for your ticket, a card envelope might suffice. A small standard-sized packet will do, as long as your concert tickets will be safe from dirt, pen marks and hard-to-remove blemishes. 

2 – Store them away from other documents. 

Concert tickets are extra special, however, when put together with other files and documents you might have, they might be hard to locate. Store them away from other papers to avoid confusion and to avoid mistaking them as just any ordinary paper. It will also be difficult to search for them once they get mixed up with many other sheets of paper and the like. 

3 – Secure their online versions.

Particularly if you purchase your concert tickets online, you have their online versions. Printing them would really be of great advantage, but securing a soft copy of them allows you to be prepared and to have a back-up file in case the printed concert tickets get damaged or lost. 


If the concert organizer and celebrity management company allow e-ticket access to all buyers of the tickets, regardless of whether they buy online or offline, make sure you save the e-tickets on the gadgets you will bring on the day of the concert. 

4 – Take a photo of your concert tickets. 

Many people take a picture of everything they want to record and remember. From the littlest to the biggest things, photos help you recall happenings and save a copy of any material. 


Take a photo of your concert tickets. The important details, like the barcode, QR code, ticket number, tier and seat, must be seen on the photo. You can use this photo in case your ticket gets deformed, the ink fades or gets lost. Whatever happens to it, you have another copy to show the guards and organizers at the entrance of the concert hall. 


Just do not ever upload photos of your concert tickets unless you cover the crucial details written on the ticket. Blur them out, or put an emoji over them, so that nobody can steal your ticket virtually.  


Not only will this be an addition to your concert documentation; it will also help you in case of emergency and unexpected situations.



You cannot enter without your concert tickets being scanned and verified at the entrance of the event hall. You cannot participate in official fan perks during the concerts without them being certified as well. Concert tickets are gold for fans as they are not cheap, and they are the licenses to enter the much-awaited events. 


Protect your concert tickets, so you can be stress-free on concert day, and just enjoy the special occasion with your fellow fans! 




Nicole Ann Pore is a writer, an events host and a voice over artist. Quality and well-researched writing is her worthwhile avenue to enlighten and delight others about things that matter. She is a daytime writer for The Fordham Company, one of Australia’s leading celebrity talent management agencies located in Sydney. Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.



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