CNC Mode Selector

Mode Selector of CNC Machine

This article is about the Mode Selector of CNC Machine.

The Mode Selector has many functions and features that are explained here.

  1. It multiplies the rate of feed by the factor you want. For ex. in this picture you may see the factors – 10, 100, 1000 ..
  2. (HOMING) It can send the tool holder to its home position any time during the operation of machine.
  3. (MDI) It can be used to input any external data at the time of running of machine. It stands for Manual Data Input.
  4. (EDIT) It can be used to edit any part of the running program. We can change some points, dimensions or any other required thing during the machining process.
  5. (JOG) It can be used to move the tool holder from one place to the other very fast way.
  6. (MEM) This is used to extract a program or part program which is already saved in the system and run it at a particular point of time.
Mode Selector of CNC Machine


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