All you need to know about custom military coins


All you need to know about custom military coins

Custom military coins are very common in the military. They have been around for several decades and their popularity and usage is only expected to go from strength to strength. They are embedded in rich history and tradition and they are very common in different units and branches of the military. The view in the military is that these coins are earned instead of just being bought. Such coins are often presented on different occasions to mark the valor and efforts of different military personnel. For military personnel, these coins are a mark of honor and identity along with being a source of inspiration. Today, challenge coins are very commonly in use and they are used by professionals in different industries and professions. But they are of the most value and importance in the military where they are used to recognize the efforts and valor of military personnel, both men and women.

What is the appearance of custom military coins?

It has been seen in many occasions that custom military coins are a lot bigger than regular coins. One custom military coin might differ from other in terms of appearance and size but it has been in most occasions that the custom military coins are around 3 inches wide and 3 millimeters thick, which makes them bigger than most regular coins and other challenge coins. The designs of all custom military coins is not the same and some coins might feature unorthodox shapes like arrowheads, shields and hexagons while other coins might feature other shapes. Further, it is common to see custom military coins made from materials like copper, nickel, pewter among others.

What is the significance of custom military coins?

Military coins are like medallions which carry the symbol of the organization and are presented to validate the membership of different military personnel in groups and organizations. It is very common to see military personnel receiving such coins during military ceremonies. If not during actual military ceremonies, then you might have seen such coins being presented during ceremonies in a TV show or in a movie.


What are the different types of custom military coins?

Custom military coins are of various types and they are different enough to be spotted with the naked eye. The differences might be in the style or the design. Different types of military coins are fabricated with different types of graphics, colors and also metals. This makes custom military coins very attractive symbols that are treasured by the recipients for the entire course of their lifetimes.

Let’s have a look at some of the most common custom military coins, in today’s day and age.

  • Army Challenge coins
  • Air Force coins
  • Coast Guard coins
  • Marine Corps coins
  • Navy coins


How to order custom military coins?


In today’s day and age, it is easier than ever to order custom military coins. You can just begin with basic search engine queries and soon you will come across a plethora of online stores who are in the business of making custom military coins. You can order custom military coins no minimum from most of these stores which means that there isn’t a minimum order that you would need to place. You can order such coins in different quantities and you can also order one single coin, it all depends on you and the different online stores would easily attend to your requirements because they offer custom military coins no minimum services. Customization is a huge part of these coins and you can choose for your coins to be customized in any way you like.


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