Amritlal Vithaldas Thakkar 


Amritlal Vithaldas Thakkar 

Who was Amritlal Vithaldas Thakkar ?

  • Popularly known as Thakkar Baba. 
  • He is an Indian social worker, worked for upliftment of tribal people in Gujarat state. 
  • He founded Bhil Seva Mandal in 1922. 
  • He visited forests in Assam, rural Bengal, drought affected areas of Odisha, Bhil belts in Gujarat and Harijan areas of Saurashtra. 
  • He also visited Mahar areas of Maharashtra, untouchables in Madras, hilly areas of Chota Nagpur, desert areas of tharparkar, foothills of Himalayas. 
  • He travelled in 3rd class railways always. 
  • He spent 35 years of his life in service of tribal and Harijans. 
  • Also established schools for children of sweepers in kulra with help of Ramaji Shinde a member of depressed classes mission. 


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