Automobile Terms


Glossary of Important Automobile Terms

Acceleration – The rate of change of velocity of a moving body. In automobiles it is the ability of the vehicle to increase the speed in limited time. (Pickup).
Accelerator – Device for rapid control of the speed for quick opening and closing of the throttle. It is usually in form of a pedal spring returned. The minimum throttle opening is controlled by setting the hand throttle.
Air Intake – An opening in the carburetor to admit ambient air.
Axle – The spindle with which a wheel revolves or upon which it revolves.
Ball and Socket Joint – The joint in which a ball is placed within a socket recessed to fit it, permitting free motion in any direction within limits.
Ball Bearing – A bearing in which the rotating shaft or axle is carried upon a number of small steel balls which are free to turn in annular paths, called races.
Bearing – The support of a shaft upon which it may rotate.
BHP – An abbreviation for Brake Horse Power.
Bumper – A bar placed across the end of a car/front to take the shock of collision and prevent damage caused to the car.
Carburetor – An appliance for mixing an inflammable vapor with air. It allows air to be passed through or over a liquid fuel an carry off a portion of its vapor mixed with air, forming an explosive mixture.

Chassis – The mechanical feature of a motor car assembled, bot withot body, fenders or other superstructure(s) not necessary for operation of the car.
Clutch – A device for engaging and disengaging driven shaft from the driver shaft.
Crank – A lever designed to convert reciprocating motion into rotating motion or vice versa.


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