BEML products


BEML intro

BEML (Bharat Earth Movers Limited) is a Schedule A PSU engaged in design, development and manufacturing of products for various sectors. These sectors may be broadly classified into ;


  • Railway and Metro

  • Defence and Aerospace

  • Mining and construction

YouTube video on BEML:

Recent products of BEML;

Mining – Road headers, Slide discharge loaders

Railway– integral rail coaches, EMUs, Rail Buses

Transport – heavy duty trucks , trailer, hydraulic aggregate


Recent MoUs;
  • Signed MoU with NASSCOM Center of Excellence for AI and IoT.
  • MOU with IIT, Kanpur for UAV.

Railway and Metro;

BEML manufactures Integral Rail Coaches, EMUs, Rail Buses and Military wagons. Various clients;

DMRC – Supplied 200 coaches

Bangalore Metro – Order of 150 coaches

Jaipur Metro – 40 cars order

KMRCL – State of the art, Latest technology equipped 84 coaches

Namma Metro – 150 coaches in order

Mumbai Metro – 378 coaches in order


Manufacturing units:

1. Kolar Gold Field (KGF) – Manufacturing of Earth Movers, Rail Coaches, Fabrication, Hydraulics and Powerline.

2. Mysore Complex – Truck, Engine, Aerospace

3. Bangalore Complex – Rail and Metro

4. Palakkad Complex – defence Product, BEML Tata trucks 12×12, 10×10, pontoon bridge, ground support vehicles for guided missiles, 50T trailer for tank transportation.

5. Vingnyan industries : Steel Casting


Exports manufactured components to 68 countries.


Defence and Aerospace;

BEML primary products are for the defence and Aerospace.

1. BMP transmission – It is a Soviet origin transmission assembly used in Command Post Vehicles. This truck can carry 1 Commander + 1 Gunner + 1 driver + 8 passengers.


2. Pinnaka Multi Barrel Launching System : The launching system was designed and developed by DRDO. The Pinnaka Launching System is mounted on a BEML TATRA 8×8 truck.

Military Rail wagons

3. Military Rail wagons : This wagon is used to transport battle tanks, heavy artillery equipments and military vehicles.


4. Ground Support/Handling Equipments (GHE & GSE) : These equipments are used to support, load, unload and maintain the aircrafts.


5. Missile Casings, Jigs and Fixtures


Mining and construction

BEML products for mining are ;

Bulldozers, Dump Trucks, Hydraulic Excavators, Road Headers, Slide Discharge Loaders, Rope Shovels, Walking Draglines and Dump Shovels.

Other Sectors for BEML;

Fertilizer, Cement, Steel, Rail, Power and Construction.



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