


Founded by Gautam Buddha (sakyamuni or tathagat) originally known as Siddharth. 

Life of Buddha 

  • His father Sudhodhana was the saka ruler, his mother Mahamaya died after seven days of his birth so he was brought up by his aunt Gautami. 
  • Married at 16 to yashodara enjoyed the married life for 13 years and had a son named Rahul. 

Teachings of Buddha 

  1. The fundamental principles of buddhas teachings are represented by the four noble truths (arya satyas) 
  • Dukkha – the world is full of sorrow 
  • Dukha samuddaya – that there are causes of sorrow 
  • Duke nirodha – this sorrow can be stopped 
  • Dukha Nirodha gamini pratipada – path leading to cessation of sorrow. According to Buddha the roots of all human misery was desire and it’s annhiliation was the surest way of ending unhappiness one could get out of his chain of suffering energy the final salvation (Nirvana) by following eightfold path ( Ashtaginka Marga ). 

2. Eightfold path 

  • Right understanding 
  • Right thought 
  • Right speech 
  • Right action 
  • Right livelihood 
  • Right effort 
  • Right mindfulness 
  • Right concentration 

3. Three Jewels (triratnas) 

  • Buddha (the enlightened) 
  • Dhamma (doctrine) 
  • Sangha (order) 

4. Belief in Nirvana 

also known as moksha or salvation – refers to belief in the concept of ultimate bliss whereby the person gets freedom from the cycle of birth and death 

5. Belief in ahimsa –

law of karma and madhya marga/ madhyama pratipada (the middle path) 


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