

Energy is majorly classified in two forms : 

  1. Renewable energy 
  1. Non renewable energy 

Renewable energy : This kind of energy does not deplete with time. We can access this energy whenever we want. It is always available in nature and can be regenerated through normal forces of nature. for example wind energy, solar energy, tidal energy, biogas and others. 

Non renewable energy : this kind of energy depletes with time. we can access this energy but it is not available forever. This energy cannot be recreated within short limit of time, it may take thousands to lacs of years. for example : fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, nuclear energy And others. 

Biogas : biogas is a renewable energy which comprises of three main gases methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. it is produced by agricultural waste, food waste, animal dung and others by anaerobic digestion. 

Percentage wise combination of Biogas : 

  1. Methane ( CH4   ) – 50-75% 
  1. Carbon Dioxide ( CO2 ) – 25-50% 
  1. Nitrogen ( N2 ) – 20-10% 
  1. Hydrogen ( H2 ) – 0-1% 
  1. Hydrogen Sulphide ( H2S) – 0-3% 
  1. Oxygen (  O2 ) – 0-0.5%   

Read More : Sources and types of Energy – Engineinside

Work, Power and Energy – Engineinside


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