How to build a strong social media presence


How to build a strong social media presence

Understand your customers

To use social media effectively, you must first understand the people who buy your products. Your products / services are not for everyone, but for specific market segments. Creating a customer profile can help you focus on what your customer wants.

Focusing your target market on a personal profile can make it clear what your next strategy should be. Customer profiles may include age, gender, location, expectations, hobbies, etc. Data can be collected from a variety of sources, such as: site analytics, response analysis, social media research, etc.

Research different platforms

Once you’ve figured out what your customer profile is, check where your customer is active on social media. Take advantage of websites that cater to your target audience, such as using LinkedIn to reach professionals, Facebook for middle-aged customers and Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for the younger generation.

Using social media platforms effectively will help you increase revenue and increase brand awareness.

Use images

We all know this Chinese proverb “a figure worth ten thousand words” and there are reasons why it is so popular. We are visual animals so being a little more creative can only satisfy your audience.

The use of imagery in your posts has been proven to significantly increase engagement. The unique image that gives your followers the inner look of your organization, like the image below, really sets you apart from the crowd.

Avoid using only branded content
It’s important to share not only branded content but also third party content so that your followers don’t get tired of repeating the same information over and over again. Things like industry-specific information, references to your organization on other sites, and news articles are just a few examples of third-party content that your followers can enjoy.

Still not sure where to start? See below how companies have achieved success by their social media strategies.

Savvy is a social media construction company

At the moment, the most common social media networks are Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
If you are looking for your own social media game and here is a list of people and organizations looking for tips and tricks on how to use social media successfully here


Turner Construction Company
With 180,631 followers on LinkedIn, Turner Construction is doing the right thing. This will give you great insight into your own LinkedIn strategy.


Ryan Homes has built more than 300,000 homes in the last 65 years. See home tours, home construction tips and DIY projects are updated daily on their Facebook page.

Hanley Wood

For over 40 years Hanley Wood has provided media, event and marketing services in the residential and commercial design and construction industries. Hanley Wood’s social media strategy needs to be holistic, with a variety of resources being offered and offered to customers.

Hanley Wood uses Facebook to share information about upcoming events and construction in daily posts. They take it one step further by creating separate Facebook pages for each of their magazines. This allows Hanley Wood to dig into each specific audience and post targeted information and ads. If you present lots of different brands or services, it is advisable to use this strategy.


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