Important wars of the 20th century
Russo- Japanese war (1904- 05)
The conflict arose from the rivalry of Russia and Japan for control of manchuria and Korea. Russia was forced to surrender Korea, the Latin peninsula and sokolin to Japan.
2. First World War (1914- 18 )
International conflict began between Austria and Serbia the chief contestants were Central Powers (Germany and Austria) the triple entity (Britain France and Russia). Many other countries joined as the war began.
The naval blockade of Germany caused severe food shortages and helped to end the war. And Armistice was agreed in November 1918 and peace treaties were signed at Versailles ( 1919 )
3. Second World War (1939- 45 )
International conflict arising from disputes provoked by the expansionist policies of Germany in Europe and Japan in the Far East. The axis powers Germany, Italy and (after September 1940) Japan controlled most of Europe, much of northern Africa, China and Asia.
The United states stayed out of the world until 7th December, 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and the United states joined the allies in fighting not only Japan but the other axis powers as well. The war ended when US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.
4. The Korean War ( 1950 – 1953 )

Conflict between North Korea, supported by China and South Korea supported by June forces dominated by the USA. Negotiations continued for two years, before a truce was agreed in July 1953.
5. The Vietnam War ( 1954 1975)
conflict between US backed South Vietnam and the width Kong, who had the support of communist north Vietnam. It followed to the partition of Vietnam. In 1975, South Vietnam was overrun by North Vietnamese forces, and the country was united under Communist rule.
6. The Iran- Iraq war (1980- 1990 )
War began shortly after Iranian revolution of 1979. Iraq wanted control over oil rich Iranian border territorry. Iraq expressed readiness to negotiate peace, after it lost ground. In 1988, Iran agreed to a ceasefire. Iraq in Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990.
7. The Gulf War (1991 )

Military action by a US LED coalition to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Kuwait was liberated ( 26th February 1991) and the ceasefire was declared on 28th February.
8. The Bosnian war (1990 two 98 )
Ethnically rooted war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a Republic of Yugoslavia with a multi ethnic population : Muslims, Serbs and Croats. The Dayton peace agreement was signed in 1995 Bosnia Herzegovina became a single state.
9. The US Afghan war ( 2001 )
Military action by US against Afghanistan in protest against the 11th September attack on World Trade Center towers. US claimed that Afghanistan was breeding ground of terrorists and had given refuge to Osama bin Laden.
10. The Second Gulf War ( 2003 )
Military action by a US led coalition to oust Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. It was conducted on the pretext of Iraq possessing Weapons of Mass Destructions ( WMD ).