Lathe Machine Formulas


1. Cutting Speed :

The cutting speed (v) of a tool is the speed at which the metal is removed by the tool from the work piece. In a lathe, it is the peripherical speed of the work past the cutting tool expressed in meters per minute.

d – is the diameter of the work in mm.
n – is the r.p.m of the work.
In the British system, cutting speed is expressed in feet per minute and diameter of the work in

2. Feed

The feeds of the cutting tool in lathe work are the distance the tool advances for each revolution of the work. Feed is expressed in millimeters per revolution.
In the British system, it is expressed in inches per revolution.
Increased feed reduces cutting time. But increased feed greatly reduces the tool life. The feed
depends on factors such as size, shape, strength and method of holding the component, the tool
shape and its setting as regards overhang, the rigidity of the machine, depth of cut, power
available, etc. rougher feeds are applied for roughing and finer feeds for finishing cuts.

Find more formulas for Depth of cut, Machining Time in this pdf :



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