Mechanical Interview FAQs


Q.1)  Which among the NC operations given below are continuous path operations?
Arc Welding (AW) Milling (M)
Drilling (D) Punching is Sheet Metal (P)
Laser Cutting of Sheet Metal (LC) Spot Welding (SW)
A) AW, LC and M (b) AW, D, LC and M
(c) D, LC, P and SW (d) D, LC, and SW

Correct Option – A


Q.2) High speed steel tools retain their hardness up to a temperature of
A. 250°C

B. 350°C

C. 500°C

D. 900°C

Correct Answer: Option D


Q.3) The carbide tools operating at very low cutting speeds (below 30 m/min)
A. Reduces tool life

B. Increases tool life

C. Have no effect on tool life

D. Spoils the work piece

Correct Answer: Option A


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