Mechanism of CNC Milling and Turning


Mechanism of CNC Machine:

Controller –> Servomotor –> Lead screw rotation –> Table movement –> Position sensed by encoder –> Feedback

CNC Machine axis movement – Ball Lead screw mech.
CNC Milling spindle rotation – Direct drive
CNC Lathe spindle rotation – Belt Pulley drive

Programming Languages used :
– ISO Mode
— Dialogue mode

Controller :
– Controller is the brain of CNC
– Controller completes the entire important link between computer system and mechanical componenets of CNC
– Primary task to receive signals from computer or indexer and interpret those into mechanical motion through motor output

Feed – Linear advancement of tool against the worpiece in one complete revolution ( Unit – mm/rev )
Rapid feed – Tool moves in XZ plane withou touching workpiece
Cutting feed – feed when tool starts cutting in XZ Plane

CNC Turning Mechanism 

X axis movement in turning mechanism:
1. Servo Mech
2. Ball Lead screw mech

Z axis movement
1. Servo Mech.
2. Ball lead srew mech.

Turret Mech.
1. Servo Mech
2. Stepper Mech.
3. Geneva Drive Mech.
4. Gear

CNC Milling Mechanism:

1. Pneumatic Mech.
2. Servo mech
3. Chain and Pulley
4. Bel Drive Mech.

2. Cam
3. Gear
4. Pneaumatic Pressure 6 to 8 bars


Types of Taper:
British Taper
BT – 40

Morse Taper
Self Locking


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