The contour map indicates the height above the sea level of a place over which the lines/contours are crossing. The terrain of a particular area can be figured out from the contour map. This is contour map of Jharkhand which is basically Chhotanagpur Plateau.
This Geological Map of Jharkhand shows concentrations of different types of minerals and rocks in different colours all over Jharkhand state.
Automobile Important Terms, Accessories :
Speedometer - It shows instant speed of the vehicle in kilometer per hour (km/h) throughout its running.
Odometer - It records the distance travelled by the vehicle in kilometer ever since the vehicle is in operation.
Tachometer - It shows the engine speed in r.p.m. It is provided with RED zone mark which shows high r.p.m. can...
Glossary of Important Automobile Terms
Acceleration - The rate of change of velocity of a moving body. In automobiles it is the ability of the vehicle to increase the speed in limited time. (Pickup).
Accelerator - Device for rapid control of the speed for quick opening and closing of the throttle. It is usually in form of a pedal spring returned....
CNC Program for drilling a hole in vertical milling machine.
Watch my YT Video on this
N005 is Sequence Number
G54 - Fixture Offset
G90 - Absolute Programming Mode
S600 - Spindle Speed set to 600 RPM
M03 - Spindle on in a Clockwise Direction
G00 is Rapid Motion
X1.0 - X Coordinate 1.0 in. from Zero
Y1.0 - Y Coordinate 1.0 in. from Zero
G43 - Tool Length...
The UNIX operating system was pioneered by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at Bell Laboratories in the late 1960’s. UNIX is a trademark of AT & T Bell Laboratories.
UNIX is time-sharing, multi-tasking and open operating system. It is a modular integrated set of software that resides on and co-ordinates computer system resources. The UNIX system serves...
Windows OS - Introduction
Microsoft windows is a graphic user interface, which also makes DOS housekeeping tasks such as copying files, formatting discs etc easier. It supports multitasking. It is called as windows because each program runs inside a separate window on the screen. A window is a box or frame on the screen. Many number of windows can be...
Operating System - Definition
An Operating System is basically a set of programs that provide control of the CPU (Central Processor Unit) and its resources. Any general-purpose computer, such as a PC or a Mac requires an Operating System (OS) to manage the various hardware and software components that make up the system.
How Operating System Works?
An operating system (OS) is...
All 3 Laws of motion - Definition
First Law of Motion - The first law states that any object which is stationary, tends to stay stationary until and unless external force is applied. In the same way any object in motion, tends to stay in motion unless any external force is applied.
Second Law of Motion - The second law defines...
In CNC Machining lot of different types of codes are used according to the need. G and M codes are very popular and frequently used codes.
G (Geometric) codes are used to guide the tool mainly in different geometrical(x,y,z) directions. These codes control the tool/turrent holding the tools
M (Machine) codes are...