Top 5 Free Classified Websites of 2020 in the UAE/Dubai to Buy and Sell Anything


Classified sites are the most authentic way to buy and sell and used or new items, especially when the topic comes to UAE. People are extremely dependent on classified sites when they look for some used items and want to sell any used item.

2019 is passed and a lot of changes have happened during the whole year so I think it’s the ideal time to give an update regarding the top 5 classified websites in the UAE/Dubai.
After doing some research, here I have given the top 5 list. The list will definitely help you when you are going to buy or sell any used items in the UAE.

1. Dubizzle

The name Dubizzle is known by every people in the UAE even who visited classified sites once in his lifetime. Yes, they are extremely famous and giving outstanding services all over the UAE. In a single word, I can say that they are the king of classifieds in the UAE.

Dubizzle has free and premium options for advertisers and with a huge number of visitors, there will be a big chance that you will sell your product easily or can find what you are looking for.

2. Locanto

Locanto is a giant name in the world classifieds. They are available almost every county and giving effortless services for the last many years. In the UAE, a good number of people use Locanto.

But truly saying, I am not sure about the possibilities you will get when you want to sell something on
Locanto also has the same free or paid classified posting options.


As I already said, a lot of things are changes during 2019. Here a new name has arrived with a lot of possibilities in the UAE classifieds market which is As per my research, they are the fastest-growing classified sites in the UAE.

With some good numbers of features like phone number verified users, and fully frees access of the website, it’s getting the attention of UAE’s people. Bazinga is fully free even you can place your ad on the premium section of the website for free if you are able to maintain the guidelines.

4. Abentra

It’s also a good name when the topic comes to UAE Classifieds. It’s a good looking website with some very common classified ad features.

They are running for the last 4 to 5 years. With a good number of visitors, Abentra can create a good opportunity for you to sell and buy something faster.

5. Dubai Classified is now on the number 5 position. It has changed a lot and now it’s of the leading free classifieds websites in the UAE. It generates a good number of traffic every month so you can try it once.

I hope this list will help you to market and sell your used products or new ones if you are in the UAE. My suggestion is, don’t always try with one or two websites, and always use the top 5 or 10 websites when you are trying to sell something through classified websites in the UAE. This process will increase the possibility and give you options to select a buyer.



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