Windows secret key combinations, HOT KEYS.


Various Secret Hot key combinations for Windows

  1. Win key – start menu, In win 8.1 it opens previous menu.
  2. Win + a – action center quick access to computer settings , for win 10 and above.
  3. Win + b – selects first icon in notification area, switch between them using arrow keys.
  4. Win + ctrl + b – new message in notification area.
  5. Win + c – opens charm bar in win 8 and 8.1, cortana in win10, chat in win 11.
  6. Win + d – minimize all open windows and opens the desktop, press again to restore all tabs.
  7. Win + e – opens windows/file explorer.
  8. Win + f – find files and folders, opens feedback hub win 10 and above.
  9. Win + ctrl + f – Find Computers.
  10. Win + g – brings all the gadgets in the foreground in win 7 and vista, opens game bar in Win10 & 11.
  11. Win + k –  new start menu, connections in win 8 and 8.1, cast options in win 11.
  12. Win + l – Lock the workstation quickly.
  13. Win + m – Minimize all windows.
  14. Win + shift + m – restore the minimized windows.
  15. Win + p – switch between operating modes.
  16. Win + q – search charm in win 8 and above.
  17. Win + r – run dialog box.
  18. Win + t – Switches the focus to taskbar, use arrow keys to toggle in windows 7 and above.
  19. Win + u – opens utilities center.
  20. Win + w – Opens workspace, Opens widgets – (weather, photos, share market and others) in win 11.
  21. Win + x – application center in win 7 and vista.
  22. Win +y – yahoo messenger, win 11 not applicable.


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